Why Cash Flow Matters, Tips for Small Business Owners

Why Cash Flow Matters: Tips and Tricks for Small Business Owners


Starting a new business can be an exciting and challenging journey, and one of the critical components of financial success is managing cash flow effectively. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of cash flow for new UK companies and provide some practical tips on how to manage it effectively.

What is cash flow, and why is it important?

Cash flow refers to the movement of money in and out of a business over a specific period of time. Positive cash flow means more money is coming in than going out, while negative cash flow means the opposite. Cash flow is a crucial aspect of any business as it enables companies to pay their bills, cover their expenses, and reinvest in their growth.

For a new UK company, managing cash flow effectively is even more critical as they are just starting out and may not have an established financial history. Positive cash flow is necessary to cover initial start-up costs, pay salaries, and invest in growth opportunities. If you’re just starting your business, read our checklist.

In other words, cash flow is the lifeblood of any business, and it is essential for a new UK company to manage its cash flow effectively to ensure long-term success. In this context, this article aims to highlight the importance of cash flow for new UK companies and provide practical tips on how to manage it effectively.

Overall, the key to managing cash flow for a new small business in the UK is to stay organised, plan ahead, and be proactive about managing your finances. By keeping a close eye on your cash position and taking steps to improve it, you can ensure that your business stays on track and continues to grow over the long term. Below are some suggestions on how to better manage your cash flow.

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Tips and tricks to help maintain good cashflows

Write up a cash flow forecast

You need to have a clear picture of your cash inflows and outflows over the next few months. Creating a cash flow forecast will help you anticipate any potential cash shortages and plan accordingly.

A cash flow forecast is a financial statement that shows the inflow and outflow of cash for a business over a specific period, typically a month or a quarter. The report estimates cash movements from various sources, including operating activities, investing activities, and financing activities.

The report provides a detailed breakdown of the cash inflows and outflows, including cash receipts from customers, payments to suppliers, employee salaries, loan payments, and capital expenditures. By examining the report, business owners and managers can get a clear picture of the company’s cash position and identify any cash flow problems that need to be addressed.

A cash flow report is an essential tool for managing a company’s cash flow effectively. It helps business owners and managers make informed decisions about spending and investments, plan for future expenses, and manage cash reserves. Additionally, a cash flow report is a requirement for many lenders and investors who want to assess a company’s financial health before making investment decisions.

Keep track of your expenses and budgeting (top tip!  – use accounting software)

Knowing what is coming in and going out of your business is key for any business, but especially so for start-ups. Keep a close eye on your expenses and ensure that you are not overspending. Make sure you are only spending money on things that are essential for your business.

Setting budgets for certain expenditures, such as advertising costs, prevents costs from running away with themselves and ensures that you’re creating a sustainable business. Negotiate better payment terms with your suppliers to help manage your cash flow. You could consider asking for longer payment terms or discounts for early payment.

Accounting software can help you track and categorize your expenses in real-time, so you always know exactly how much money is going out of your business. This information can help you make more informed decisions about where to cut costs and how to allocate your resources.

Accounting software can also help you create forecasts and budgets, allowing you to plan ahead and manage your cash flow more effectively. You can use this information to identify potential cash flow problems in advance and take steps to address them before they become serious issues.

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Be sure to set payment terms with your customers

It’s not enough to count the pennies that you spend, you also need to make sure you have money coming in. The biggest killer for small businesses is customers who fail to pay. Customers can be unreliable when it comes to payments and nothing should be taken for granted. Therefore, it is vital to clearly define your payment terms with your customers and clients. Have them pay in advance if they look as though they have bad credit.

Invoice promptly and follow up on any unpaid invoices. Accounting software can help you manage your invoices more efficiently, ensuring that you get paid on time. They can even automatically invoice clients for you if you charge them on a regular basis. This can help improve your cash flow by reducing the amount of time it takes for you to receive payment for your services.

Manage your cash reserves

Many companies are initially funded by the owner of the business. This means risking their own money to support the growth of their company. Usually, you will have to spend a considerable amount before your first customer even pays you. It can be particularly challenging when you need to draw a wage from your company at some point but are struggling to meet the company’s other commitments. Keep this in mind when establishing your business and aim to build up a cash reserve that you can dip into in case of any unexpected expenses or cash flow shortfalls. Check out the British Business Bank for finance and startup advice. This will give you some breathing room and help you avoid having to rely on expensive credit facilities.

Keep a close eye on your inventory levels if you have any and avoid overstocking, as this ties up valuable cash that could be used elsewhere in your business.

If you think it will help, consider applying for some form of finance for your business. It will help take the sting out of things and ensure you can meet your cashflow shortfall. If you’re doing the above steps anyway and your company is on the right track, many banks will be willing to lend to you. Consider financing options such as business loans, lines of credit, or invoice factoring. These can provide a short-term boost to your cash flow and help you get through a difficult period.


In conclusion, cash flow is a critical factor for any new UK company to consider when managing its finances. It enables businesses to pay their expenses, invest in growth, and remain financially stable. Effective cash flow management involves tracking cash inflows and outflows, forecasting future cash needs, controlling expenses, and seeking financing when necessary. By prioritizing cash flow management, new UK companies can ensure their long-term financial health and success. Overall, it is essential to keep a close eye on your cash flow and take proactive steps to manage it effectively to achieve your business objectives.

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